

"The human soul is a light from God."

The Carnegie Shul has a very unique record of yahrzeit information. Not only do we have an online list of names and dates, we also have photos of the actual plaques. This is to protect them against loss, and it’s something that every shul should do. As it says in the Talmud: when you die, all you leave behind is your good name.


List of Yahrzeit

  • Ethel Ray Adler

    ethel ray adler plaque

  • Robert Adler

    robert adler plaque

  • Nathan Samuel Arenson

    Nathan Samuel Arenson Plaque

  • Emanuel Ash

    Emanuel Ash Plaque

  • Rebecca Ash

    Rebecca Ash Plaque

  • Sadie Ash

    Sadie Ash Plaque

  • Wiliiam Ash

    William Ash Plaque

  • Sarah Lee Backal

    Sarah Lee Backal Plaque

  • Anna Bales

    Anna Bales Plaque

  • Bernard Bales

    Bernard Bales Plaque

  • Dora Bales

    Dora Baes Plaque

  • Gertrude Bales

    gertrude Bales Plaque

  • Harry Bales

    Harry Bales Plaque

  • Henry C. Bales

    Henry C. Bales Plaque

  • Herbert J. Bales

    Herbert J. Bales Plaque

  • Meyer Bales

    Meyer Bales Plaque

  • Nettie Bales

    Nettie Bales plaque

  • Sam Bales

    Sam Bales Plaque

  • Max Horovitz

  • Samuel Bales

    Samuel Bales Plaque

  • Irving Bendis

    Irving Bendis plaque

  • Abraham Swirsky

  • Dora Gorback

  • Dr. Samuel Sherman

  • Morris Speizer

  • Anna M. Levine

  • David J. Moskovitz

  • Pearl Shutzberg

  • Samuel Fogel

  • Helen Miller Mossoff

  • Steven A Schectar

  • Lena Bendis

    Lena Bendis Plaque

  • Mildred P. Bendis

    Mildred P. Bendis Plaque

  • Rabbi Josef Berglas

    Rabbi Josef Berglas Plaque

  • David Fred Block

    David Fred Block Plaque

  • Dina Cooper Block

    Dina Cooper Block Plaque

  • Harry C. Block

    Harry C. Block

  • Louis Bodell

    Louis Bodell Plaque

  • Besse Levine Bronstein

    Besse Levine Bronstein Plaque

  • Anna Browarsky

    Anna Browarsky Plaque

  • Simon Browarsky

    Simon Browarsky Plaque

  • Caroline Brunner

    Caroline Brunner

  • Ignatz Brunner

    Ignatz Brunner

  • Harry Burnkrant

    Harry Burnkrant

  • Anne Byrne

    Anne Byrne

  • Lena Cruso

    lena Cruso

  • Sylvia S. Cramer

    Sylvia S. Cramer

  • Harold B. Cramer

    Harold B. Cramer

  • Dr. Harry W. Cooper

    Dr. Harry W. Cooper

  • Melvin Harold Cohn

    Melvin Harold Cohn

  • Louis Cohn

    Louis Cohn

  • Max Cohen

    Max Cohen

  • Clara Cohen

    Clara Cohen

  • Louis Coffee

    Louis Coffee

  • Esther Laya Coffee

    Esther Laya Coffee

  • Madeline Hirsh Ctaio

    Madeline Hirsh Ctaio

  • Jack Davis

    Jack Davis

  • Mollie S. Davis

    Mollie S. Davis

  • Phyllis H. Deal

    Phyllis H. Deal

  • Lev Dekelman

    Lev Dekelman

  • Richard D'Loss

    Richard D'Loss

  • Anton A. Denes

    Anton A. Denes

  • Bertha Dorn

    Bertha Dorn

  • Goldie Dorn

    Goldie Dorn

  • Max Drill

    Max Drill

  • Morris Dorn

    Morris Dorn

  • Laura Mae Elikan

    Laura Mae Elikan

  • Esther Elyanoff

    Esther Elyanoff

  • Martin Fisher

    martin fisher plaque


  • Esther Fogel

    Esther Fogel Plaque

  • Maurice Fogel

    Maurice Fogel plaque

  • Samuel Fogel

    Samuel Fogel

  • Charles Friedberg

    Charles Friedberg plaque

  • Anna Friedman

    Anna Friedman

  • George Friedman

    George Friedman

  • Helen Kreisberg Feld

    Helen Kreisberg Feld

  • Louis Finkelstein

    Louis Finkelstein

  • Sarah Finkelstein

    Sarah Finkelstein

  • Samuel Fischer

    Samuel Fischer

  • Esther Fisher

    Esther Fisher

  • Lisa Arenson Gillespie

    Lisa Arenson Gillespie

  • Alex Glantz

    Alex Glantz

  • Marcella Zemon Glantz

    Marcella Zemon Glantz

  • Molvin Glantz

    Molvin Glantz

  • Joseph Glazer

    Joseph Glazer

  • Ethel Golanty

    Ethel Golanty

  • Richard Joel Goldstein

    Richard Joel Goldstein

  • Dora Gorback

    Dora Gorback

  • Hermine Green

    Hermine Green

  • Philip Green

    Philip Green

  • Betty G. Grinberg

    Betty G. Grinberg

  • Dr. Samuel A. Grinberg

    Dr. Samuel A. Grinberg

  • Eva Grob

    Eva Grob

  • Charles Grossman

    Charles Grossman

  • Rose F. Grossman

    Rose F. Grossman

  • Carl Gussin

    Carl Gussin

  • Yetta Gussin

    Yetta Gussin

  • Ernest Halle

    Ernest Halle

  • Harry Harris

    Harry Harris

  • Joseph Harris

    Joseph Harris

  • Minnie Harris

    Minnie Harris

  • Abraham Hellman

    Abraham Hellman

  • Rose Hersh

    Rose Hersh

  • Lillian Hellman

    Lillian Hellman

  • Ben Herman

    Ben Herman

  • Esther Kelson Herman

    Esther Kelson Herman

  • Adolph Hersh

    Adolph Hersh

  • Leo Herskovitz

    Leo Herskovitz

  • Rose Zemon Herskovitz

    Rose Zemon Herskovitz

  • David Herskovitz

    David Herskovitz

  • Mrs. David Herskovitz

    Mrs. David Herskovitz

  • Herbert E. Hirsh

    Herbert E. Hirsh

  • Joseph Leon Hirsh

    Joseph Leon Hirsh

  • Joseph Hirsh

    Joseph Hirsh

  • Libbie Hirsh

    Libbie Hirsh

  • Joseph Hoffman

    Joseph Hoffman

  • Zelda Levine Hoffman

    Zelda Levine Hoffman

  • Rae Horovitz

    Rae Horovitz

  • Isadore L. Horowitz

    Isadore L. Horowitz

  • Nettie Horowitz

    Nettie Horowitz

  • Max Horovitz

    Max Horovitz

  • Gertrude Isaacs

    Gertrude Isaacs

  • Herbert Isaacs

    Herbert Isaacs

  • Louis Isaacs

    Louis Isaacs

  • Louise Isaacs

    Louise Isaacs

  • Pauline Kaiser

    Pauline Kaiser

  • Joseph Kaliski

    Joseph Kaliski

  • Minnie Sherman Kaliski

    Minnie Sherman Kaliski

  • Adolph Kalla

    Adolph Kalla

  • Joseph Kalla

    Joseph Kalla

  • Milton Kalla

    Milton Kalla

  • Sarah Kalla

    Sarah Kalla

  • Syrietta June Kalla

    Syrietta June Kalla

  • Evelyn Wilk Kalson

    Evelyn Wilk Kalson

  • Matthew Harold Kalson

    Matthew Harold Kalson

  • Nathan Bernard Kalson

    Nathan Bernard Kalson

  • Paul Kalson

    Paul Kalson

  • Sarah Rebecca Kalson

    Sarah Rebecca Kalson

  • Rose Klee Karp

    Rose Klee Karp

  • Ruth Ash Katzner

    Ruth Ash Katzner

  • Abraham Lewis Kelson

    Abraham Lewis Kelson

  • Betty Labovitz Kelson

    Betty Labovitz Kelson

  • Jack "Kushie" Kelson


  • Rachel Bessie Kelson

    Rachel Bessie Kelson

  • Richard B. Kelson

    Richard B. Kelson

  • John R. (Jack) Ketler

    John R. (Jack) Ketler

  • Jacob Kimmelman

    Jacob Kimmelman

  • Rose Kimmelman

    Rose Kimmelman

  • Bella Klee

    Bella Klee

  • Bennie & Rose Klee

    Bennie & Rose Klee

  • Dr. Edward Klee

    Dr. Edward Klee

  • Harry A. Klee

    Harry A. Klee

  • Jacob B. Klee

    Jacob B. Klee

  • Katie Klee

    Katie Klee

  • Sam Klee

    Sam Klee

  • Sarah Klee

    Sarah Klee

  • Winifred Klee

    Winifred Klee

  • Rose Drill Klein

    Rose Drill Klein

  • Julia Browarsky Korenberg

    Julia Browarsky Korenberg

  • Shirley Kelson Kress

    Shirley Kelson Kress

  • Joel Kruman

    Joel Kruman

  • Jennie Landau

    Jennie Landau

  • Max Landau

    Max Landau

  • Sarah G. Landau

    Sarah G. Landau

  • Harvey Lederstein

    Harvey Lederstein

  • Hersch Lederstein

    Hersch Lederstein

  • Hyman Lederstein

    Hyman Lederstein

  • Mitchell Jay Lederstein

    Mitchell Jay Lederstein

  • Sara Lederstein

    Sara Lederstein

  • Sarah Mashah Leder

    Sarah Mashah Leder

  • Jean H. Leptzig

    Jean H. Leptzig

  • Pearl Lerman

    Pearl Lerman

  • Anna M. Levine

    Anna M. Levine

  • Harry Levine

    Harry Levine

  • Jack Levine

    Jack Levine

  • Samuel Levine

    Samuel Levine

  • Harry Levitt

    Harry Levitt

  • Larry Levkoy

    Larry Levkoy

  • Celia Liberman

    Celia Liberman

  • Jacob Liberman

    Jacob Liberman

  • Saul S. Lipman

    Saul S. Lipman

  • Isadore Lobliner

    Isadore Lobliner

  • Jacob Lobliner

    Jacob Lobliner

  • Pearl Lowe

    Pearl Lowe

  • Tillie & Albert Mallinger

    Tillie & Albert Mallinger

  • Benjamin M. Mandelkorn

    Benjamin M. Mandelkorn

  • Rose Goldstein Mandelkorn

    Rose Goldstein Mandelkorn

  • Ida Match

    Ida Match

  • Aron Mayer

    Aron Mayer

  • Fannie Gertrude Mayer

    Fannie Gertrude Mayer

  • Morris J. Mayer

    Morris J. Mayer

  • Leonard Messer

    Leonard Messer

  • Lois Metlika

    Lois Metlika

  • Alfred Kurlie Miller

    Alfred Kurlie Miller

  • Anna Miller

    Anna Miller

  • Brenda Cramer Miller

    Brenda Cramer Miller

  • Gertrude Miller

    Gertrude Miller

  • Harry E. Miller

    Harry E. Miller

  • Israel Miller

    Israel Miller

  • Jay C. Miller

    Jay C. Miller

  • Lawrence I. Miller

    Lawrence I. Miller

  • Mildred G. Miller

    Mildred G. Miller

  • Pearl Miller

    Pearl Miller

  • Samuel Miller

    Samuel Miller

  • Cilli Moskovtiz

    Cilli Moskovtiz

  • David J. Moskovitz

    David J. Moskovitz

  • Dorothy S. Moskovitz

    Dorothy S. Moskovitz

  • Isadore A. Moskovitz

    Isadore A. Moskovitz

  • Julius Moskovitz

    Julius Moskovitz

  • Milton Moskovitz

    Milton Moskovitz

  • Sam Moskovitz

    Sam Moskovitz

  • Sylvia Moskovitz

    Sylvia Moskovitz

  • Belle Moskowitz

    Belle Moskowitz

  • Hannah Moskowitz

    Hannah Moskowitz

  • Helen Miller Mosoff

    Helen Miller Mosoff

  • Philip Nord

    Philip Nord

  • Eileen Ostfield

    Eileen Ostfield

  • Morris Oskie

    Morris Oskie

  • Katie Ruth Oskie

    Katie Ruth Oskie

  • Sally Kreisberg Olszewski

    Sally Kreisberg Olszewski

  • Sam Ofsay

    Sam Ofsay

  • Mrs. Sam Ofsay

    Mrs. Sam Ofsay

  • Ruth Fogel Parker

    Ruth Fogel Parker

  • Ada Peresman

    Ada Peresman

  • David Peresman

    David Peresman

  • Dorothy Westerman Peresman

    Dorothy Westerman Peresman

  • Dr. Jacob J. Peresman

    Dr. Jacob J. Peresman

  • Ervin H. Peresman

    Ervin H. Peresman

  • Ethel S. Peresman

    Ethel S. Peresman

  • Frida Peresman

    Frida Peresman

  • Hirshel Peresman

    Hirshel Peresman

  • Isaac Peresman

    Isaac Peresman

  • Joseph S. Peresman

    Joseph S. Peresman

  • Kate Peresman

    Kate Peresman

  • Kenneth H. Peresman

    Kenneth H. Peresman

  • Milton O. Peresman

    Milton O. Peresman

  • Shlomoh Peresman

    Shlomoh Peresman

  • Celia Pearlman

    Celia Pearlman

  • Charles Israel Perlman

    Charles Israel Perlman

  • Don Herman Perlman

    Don Herman Perlman

  • Ida Perlman

    Ida Perlman

  • Jean Perlman

    Jean Perlman

  • Kerry Joel Perlman

    Kerry Joel Perlman

  • Philip Perlman

    Philip Perlman

  • Sam Perlman

    Sam Perlman

  • Simon (SI) Perlman

    Simon (SI) Perlman

  • Della Perloff

    Della Perloff

  • Meyer Perloff

    Meyer Perloff

  • Edward L. Pickholtz

    Edward L. Pickholtz

  • Jacob Radman

    Jacob Radman

  • Sara Cooper Radman

    Sara Cooper Radman

  • Bessie Krasik Raskin

    Bessie Krasik Raskin

  • David Raskin

    David Raskin

  • George Raskin

    George Raskin

  • Phyllis Raskin

    Phyllis Raskin

  • Barry Melvin Richman

    Barry Melvin Richman

  • David P. Rosenfield

    David P. Rosenfield

  • Elaine Bovitch Rosenfield

    Elaine Bovitch Rosenfield

  • Bob Roteman

    Bob Roteman

  • Ruth Lee Roteman

    Ruth Lee Roteman

  • Adolph Roth

    Adolph Roth

  • Carrie Roth

    Carrie Roth

  • Fannie Roth

    Fannie Roth

  • G. Bernard Roth

    G. Bernard Roth

  • Leonard Roth

    Leonard Roth

  • Lynn Liberman Roth

    Lynn Liberman Roth

  • Max Roth

    Max Roth

  • Mitzi Roth

    Mitzi Roth

  • Stanley Roth

    Stanley Roth

  • David Leon Routman

    David Leon Routman

  • Dorothy Routman

    Dorothy Routman

  • Roy Ruttenberg

    Roy Ruttenberg

  • Ruth Fogel Parker

    Ruth Fogel Parker

  • Ike Sax

    Ike Sax

  • Miriam Sax

    Miriam Sax

  • Steven A. Schectar

    Steven A. Schectar

  • Jack Schutte

    Jack Schutte

  • Ellen Moskovitz Seltz

    Ellen Moskovitz Seltz

  • Rheta H. Sheffler

    Rheta H. Sheffler

  • Berta Shenderovich

    Berta Shenderovich

  • Golda Shenderovich

    Golda Shenderovich

  • Isaac Shenderovich

    Isaac Shenderovich

  • ben E. Sherman ESQ.

    ben E. Sherman ESQ.

  • Constance Sara Sherman

    Constance Sara Sherman

  • Dr. Samuel Sherman

    Dr. Samuel Sherman

  • Mrs. Goldie Sherman

    Mrs. Goldie Sherman

  • Jacob I. Sherman

    Jacob I. Sherman

  • Julius L. Sherman

    Julius L. Sherman

  • Leonora C. Sherman

    Leonora C. Sherman

  • Markus Sherman

    Markus Sherman

  • Mollie Sherman

    Mollie Sherman

  • Pepi Sherman

    Pepi Sherman

  • Faigel Shifrin

    Faigel Shifrin

  • Herschl Shifrin

    Herschl Shifrin

  • Julia B. Shifrin

    Julia B. Shifrin

  • Victor Shifrin

    Victor Shifrin

  • Julius Shutzberg

    Julius Shutzberg

  • Pearl Shutzberg

    Pearl Shutzberg

  • Rubin Solomon

    Rubin Solomon

  • Arthur Speizer

    Arthur Speizer

  • Bertrand Joseph Speizer

    Bertrand Joseph Speizer

  • Mr. Jacob Speizer

    Mr. Jacob Speizer

  • Mark Speizer

    Mark Speizer

  • Morris Speizer

    Morris Speizer

  • Regina Speizer

    Regina Speizer

  • Helen Spivak

    Helen Spivak

  • Saul Spivak

    Saul Spivak

  • William Spivak

    William Spivak

  • Harvey Srolovitz

    Harvey Srolovitz

  • Pearl Sherman Stahl

    Pearl Sherman Stahl

  • Annette Steinberger

    Annette Steinberger

  • Harry Steinberger

    Harry Steinberger

  • Jacob Steinberger

    Jacob Steinberger

  • Adolph Stern

    Adolph Stern

  • Joseph Stern

    Joseph Stern

  • Sadie Stern

    Sadie Stern

  • Sali Stern

    Sali Stern

  • Samuel Stern

    Samuel Stern

  • Harry Suttin

    Harry Suttin

  • Abraham Swirsky

    Abraham Swirsky

  • Harris Tisherman

    Harris Tisherman

  • Rose Ann Tisherman

    Rose Ann Tisherman

  • Benjamin Watzman

    Benjamin Watzman

  • Milton Watzman

    Milton Watzman

  • Erich B. Wechsler

    Erich B. Wechsler

  • Esther R. Wechsler

    Esther R. Wechsler

  • Eva R. Weiss

    Eva R. Weiss

  • Freda Weiss

    Freda Weiss

  • Herman Weiss

    Herman Weiss

  • Jerry Weiss

    Jerry Weiss

  • Melvin Allen Weiss

    Melvin Allen Weiss

  • Rabbi Yitzchock Weiss

    Rabbi Yitzchock Weiss

  • Sarah Dickstein Weiss

    Sarah Dickstein Weiss

  • Stanford G. Weiss

    Stanford G. Weiss

  • Sylvia Zemon Weiss

    Sylvia Zemon Weiss

  • Mr. William Weiss

    Mr. William Weiss

  • Dr. Zayne Wilk

    Dr. Zayne Wilk

  • Ida Wilk

    Ida Wilk

  • Joseph Wilk

    Joseph Wilk

  • Leona K. Wilk

    Leona K. Wilk

  • Morris Wilk

    Morris Wilk

  • Anna Osgood York

    Anna Osgood York

  • Jacob T. York

    Jacob T. York

  • Joseph York

    Joseph York

  • Kate Broida York

    Kate Broida York

  • Anne Zemon

    Anne Zemon

  • Harry Zemon

    Harry Zemon

  • Leonard Zemon

    Leonard Zemon

  • What is Yahrzeit and its significance in Jewish tradition?

    Yahrzeit is the annual anniversary of a loved one’s passing, observed in Jewish tradition. It is a time for remembering the deceased and reflecting on their life and legacy. The word "Yahrzeit" comes from the Yiddish language, meaning "year time." This observance holds significant emotional and spiritual importance, as it is an opportunity for the bereaved to honor their loved one's memory through various customs and rituals.

  • How is the Yahrzeit date calculated?

    The Yahrzeit date is calculated based on the Hebrew calendar, typically falling on the same Hebrew date each year as the date of the loved one's death. For example, if someone passed away on the 10th of Tishrei, Yahrzeit would be observed on the 10th of Tishrei every year. If you are unsure how to convert the Gregorian date to the Hebrew date, many Jewish community centers and online tools can help with this calculation.

  • What are the customs and rituals observed during Yahrzeit?

    Observing Yahrzeit involves several meaningful customs and rituals:

    • Lighting a Yahrzeit candle: A special 24-hour candle is lit at sunset of the Yahrzeit day to honor the memory of the deceased.
    • Reciting prayers: The Kaddish, a mourner’s prayer, is traditionally recited during synagogue services. Other prayers or psalms can also be read in private remembrance.
    • Visiting the gravesite: Many choose to visit the loved one’s grave, where they may say prayers, leave stones, and reflect.
    • Giving charity: Making a donation in the loved one’s name is a common way to honor their memory.
    • Remembering and sharing: Family members often come together to share stories and memories of the deceased, fostering a sense of connection and continuity.

    These traditions can vary by community and individual preferences, and contemporary observances may include virtual gatherings or other adaptations when family members are not living close to each other.


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