Carnegie Shul Chatter


For those of you who do not know me, my name is Mike Roteman and I have been attending the Carnegie Shul for nearly seven years since moving to Mt. Lebanon in 2005.

I was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, received my MBA from Duquesne University, and moved to Harrisburg in 1971, residing there for 34 years, before following my heart back home to the Pittsburgh area.

Last spring I was elected to the Board of the Carneigie Shul, and Rick D’Loss and Larry Block have asked me to write a blog of Carnegie Shul happenings, so – here I go.

I will try to keep my blogs short, although I have been told that I sometimes have a propensity to run on and on, but since this is my first blog, and since this is a busy time of the year for the Shul, this blog will of necessity be a bit longer.

High Holy Days

Our High Holy Day services this year were quite impressive.  Our guest cantor, Rabbi Harvey Brotsky, did a superb job leading the prayers and his singing voice was exceptional.  Our President, Larry Block, also assumed cantorial and Torah reading duties and issued his usual insightful and inspiring D’Vrei Torah.  The sanctuary was adorned with beautiful flower arrangements  provided by Harvey and Ethel Levine, Joey and Tina Adwar, and Cliff and Judee Zlotnik.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the services and helped to make them so meaningful for all who attended.



This Saturday’s Parshah is Haazinu.  The Parshah consists primarily of a 70-line song delivered to the Children of Israel by Moses on the last day of his life.  It is a very interesting Parsha.  Why not attend services this Saturday, starting at  9:20 a.m.?  I am sure Larry Block’s D’var Torah will provide some very interesting insights.   As usual we will have a Kiddush in the social hall following the services.


Sukkos, The Feast of Tabernacles, is an eight-day holiday that begins at sundown, Sunday evening, September 30.  We will be having services on Monday and Tuesday mornings, October 1 and 2, beginning at 9:20 each morning.  Afterward we will have Kiddush in our very own Sukkah, constructed as usual by Rick D’Loss and his crew of volunteers.  Please come and join us in participating in this important mitzvah of dwelling in the Sukkah.





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3 Responses to Carnegie Shul Chatter

  1. Rick D'Loss

    Michael, welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. paul ostfield

    this idea of chatter is good and will inspire future opinions

  3. Sondra Greer

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I, too, must add that the services were beautiful on Rosh Hashona, and I loved Rabbi Harvey Brotsky. I always enjoy Dr. Block’s sermons. My only wish would be to move the Carnegie Shul to Naples, Florida. I have been attending Beth Tikvah here for Yizkor services, and it is okay, but not like Carnegie. My heart will always remain in little ol’ Carnegie.
    Sondra Greer

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